A Cute Garden Makeover

We have been busy around here. Busy with fun stuff and then some not so fun stuff. I prefer to talk about the fun stuff! I have been dying all week to share these projects with you guys. They were a blast to put together! For Mothers Day I told my husband that I would like for…

Growing Zucchini

I have this love/hate relationship with zucchini. Let me tell you about it. I love how beautiful zucchini plants are but I hate that they are so pokey. It is nearly impossible to harvest them without having your arms all scraped up. I love how bountiful these plants are but by summers end I hate…

Tomato Season Is Coming!

When I think of summer I think of fresh juicy tomatoes. There is absolutely nothing better than being able to sink your teeth into a ripe tomato fresh from your garden. Oh goodness I cannot wait for summer! If you have never gardened before and you live in an area that gets a good amount of sunshine…

Raised Garden Beds

One big reason why I love my garden so much is because of my raised beds. I have gardened before straight in the ground and didn’t have a lot of luck. I think it was mainly because I didn’t do a very good job prepping my soil. That is why I love my raised beds. …

J is for Jalapeno

I can’t get enough Jalapenos.  But every year I typically grow more than I can use up. This year I planted 5 jalapeno plants. And let me tell you I cannot wait for them to start producing!             I use my Jalapenos in a number of ways Salsa Canning Pickled…

Garden Time

I FINALLY got my garden going. I was so excited and ambitious a month or two ago and then I lost all motivation, to do anything around my house! But this week I finally got myself up and running. I have been very productive and it feels soooo good. The best way for me to get…

Is It Gardening Time Yet?

It is finally February which means that I can legitimately start thinking about my garden and make some concrete plans. What’s weird is that the past couple of days have been some of the coldest so I’m not as much in the gardening mood as I was a week or two ago when it was…

An Afternoon In The Yard

Today the kids and I went outside so they could play. Little did I know that I was going to end up doing yard work.  It’s been on my To Do list so it all worked out. This California weather has been crazy, like 70 degrees outside so it feels more like spring then the…