Deliciously Simple Chicken Hummus Sandwich

I have been avoiding eating processed meats so my lunch menu has been a bit tricky. When I say tricky I really mean time-consuming. During the lunch rush at my house it is hard to have a good nutritious lunch so I need meals that are easy and quick or else I will end up eating…

Making Do and Pinching Pennies

We took a 4 day camping trip to the coast and of course spent WAY more than I budgeted for. Bummer. It always happens so I shouldn’t be shocked. We have a weakness for coastal food. Fish and chips, fresh fish tacos, shrimp cocktail and of course clam chowder. Yum, I want to go back…

Things to know before moving to the country

Back when my husband and I decided to pack up and move to the country I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I grew up on my grandparent’s ranch as a child but I never lived there and I was a kid, I didn’t pay attention to anything besides playing in mud…

Parenting is HARD!

Just so it’s clear this picture is my oldest son. It is not staged, it was just a regular afternoon out in the back yard. I said smile for the camera and that is what he gave me! Priceless. This past week our schedule has been totally out of whack. I had a really good run.…

Lessons Learned

First of all let me say I am not encouraging bankruptcy, I am simply telling my story and life lessons. I started working full-time right out of high school. Went to a local university and did the college thing for a while, nothing out of the ordinary. But the job I had required me to…

A Cute Garden Makeover

We have been busy around here. Busy with fun stuff and then some not so fun stuff. I prefer to talk about the fun stuff! I have been dying all week to share these projects with you guys. They were a blast to put together! For Mothers Day I told my husband that I would like for…

‘Real’ Life In The Orchard

A few evenings ago my husband went out for a cigarette and heard a loud noise… A huge limb that appeared to be healthy split from one of the walnut trees in our backyard and fell onto our chicken coop. It was crazy. It is one thing for a limb to break away from a tree that…

Finding Motivation To Pay Off Large Debts

Within the last few months my husband and I have paid off all of our smaller debts. You know things like a student loan, car loan, a few hundred dollars on a visa card and our Lowes credit card we had been using to finish our back patio. It feels so good to not have…

Honey Lime Skewers… A Tasty Dinner Fail

I saw these Honey Lime Skewers on Pinterest and I knew I had to make them. Ashley’s picture of them made my mouth water! My chicken did not end up looking as delicious as hers because I ran into a few issues. I spent so much time working on this recipe, I cut my chicken up, marinated my…